Big Horn County Wyoming
Library System
Library Policies and Services
Mission Statement:
Big Horn County Library System encourages lifelong learning by
providing resources to enrich our communities.
Library Cards:
Library cards are FREE!
Please bring your drivers license, or picture identification with
documentation of your current address, to the circulation desk.
Children under 17 years of age must have a parent present to sign the card.
Your library card can be used in ANY Library within Wyoming.
Replacement fee for a lost card is $1.00.
Loan Periods:
Books, Books on CD, Magazines and DVDs- 2 weeks
Your library materials will be automatically renewed, unless it is on hold. Notification is sent by email.
You can also renew your items by asking a librarian, or
By going to your library account located in the card catalog link on our website.
You will need your library card and default pin number: WYLD.
Inter-Library Loan:
Any patron with a current Big Horn County Library card may use the
Interlibrary Loan Service to obtain materials not in the county collection.
There is no fee for loans requested within Big Horn County, but
a $5.00 postage fee will be charged for materials borrowed from
out of county.
View your interlibrary loan requests by logging in with your library card
and pin number to the "My Account" page of WYLD.
We are a Fine-Free Library!
(Lost or damaged items will still need to be paid for.)
Copy Services:
Photocopy prices:
•Letter: $0.20
•Color: $0.35
•Legal: $0.25
•Color: $0.45
•11 x 17: $0.30
•Color: $0.55
IRS Forms
Reproducible forms are available online at www.IRS.gov.
Computer and Printing:
Computers with Internet access
Free Wi-Fi
Print from computer
Scan & send email
Notary Service
Basin and Lovell Libraries
Call in advance to verify the staff member is available.
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